Frequently Asked Question??
1. How long is the shelf life of The Mountain Dog Chew?

MDC has an incredibly long shelf life if stored appropriately. The Dogchew can stay usable for years as long as storing directions are followed.

2. How should I store the Dog Chew?

MDC should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and far from moisture or water. We also recommend leaving them well-ventilated.

3. What nutrients are present in Mountain Dog Chew?

Nutrients such as protein, calcium, healthy amino acids,  fibers, and a minor amount of fat content are present in Mountain Dog Chew.

4. How many pieces of dog chew should I give my dog?

We recommend giving no more than two full-length pieces of dog chews a week.

5. Will the salt and fat content of the Dog Chew affect my dog’s health?

Since fat and salt are used in minuscule amounts, they will not affect your dog's health as long as you follow feeding recommendations.

6. How do you use Mountain Dog Chew?

You can give readymade pieces of dog chew to your pet right out of the package. If they are too hard for your pet, you can soak them in warm or lukewarm water for 5-10 minutes to soften them. The chews are treats and should not be a substitute for meals. Make sure your dog has a fresh bowl of water when giving the treats.

7. How can I use leftover pieces of Mountain Dog Chew?

After hours of gnawing, your dog may leave small chunks of dog chew behind. These pieces can be microwaved for 30 to 60 seconds and regifted to your dog after letting cool for a couple of minutes.

8. Are any preservatives used in the Dog Chew?

There are no preservatives in Mountain Dog Chew; the product is 100% organic and natural as nature itself.

9. Will the milk content upset my dog’s stomach?

The naturally processed milk in our dog chews is different from raw milk and will not affect your dog's health adversely in any way. The Yak milk used has high A2 content, which is easy on the stomach.

10. Do you sell Mountain Dog Chew in bulk?

Yes, we are fully capable of selling Mountain Dog Chews in large quantities, as per the buyer's demand.